Salicylate sensitivity and intolerance
"I purchased your book, Clever Cooking for Salicylate Intolerance, and love it. I also love your website. Thank you so much for putting these together". JB
"I read your lovely blog today. Your words have helped me enormously. Thank you for sharing as it's such a hard thing to discuss with people who just don't 'get it' ". MK
"I am so pleased t finally receive a book with easy to follow recipes that keep salicylates levels low. I am very grateful to you for producing this book. You have solved a big problem in my life". HS
"Many thanks for writing Clever Cooking. I feel re-enthused about cooking after a year of feeling unwell and trying to find answers. A kind friend sent me Clever Cooking after I told her I had finally nailed the cause of my ill health and I am feeling there's a future in cooking again. I've already whipped up several recipes and now see how to start adapting old favourites". LM
"What a great website." TM
"I have just become aware of salicylate intolerance. After living most of my life just not feeling well, I am starting to diet for salicylate intolerance. Thank you for sharing your life's journey as it will help many others". CB
"Thank you for putting this website together. I am eternally grateful". BH
"This is great information. Thank you". J
"When I saw your write-up regarding symptoms, it was like you were describing me". SE
"I just wanted to thank you for your book....I love the way you have put it together and the illustrations are a delight....all salicylate intolerants will be grateful to you". Peg.
"I just got your book in the mail the other day and immediately read it from cover to cover...it's fantastic. I have a 5 year old daughter who has a salicylate intolerance and it's so great to have another cookbook to get meal ideas from". Michelle.
"I bought your book today and I can see it will be a valuable tool in my battle with allergies". Julia.
"The book turned up today. Lots of good looking recipes to vary things a bit, because as you will know it can be a bit of a bland diet". Barbara.
"Wow! Your book has just arrived! Reading your intro brought tears to my eyes - at last there is another real person in the world who gets how devasting being salicylate intolerant can be when it comes to eating. .......When your recipe book arrived my mouth started watering!" Jane.